Marcos Antunes Trigueiro

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Marcos Antunes Trigueiro, known as the Industrial Maniac and the Contagem Maniac (born in Brasília de Minas, Minas Gerais on May 29, 1978) is a former Brazilian driver accused of being a serial killer of women who operated in the Contagem and Belo Horizonte cities. Trigueiro raped and murdered five women between April 17, 2009, and February 26, 2010, when he was detained by Minas Gerais Civil Police in the Lindeia neighbourhood, near the industrial district in Contagem. Police officers discovered that he tracked down the victims' cell phones, with Trigueiro himself confessing to the murders after his arrest. Delegate Edson Moreira, one of those responsible for the case, announced on February 26 that at least three women were able to escape the maniac.

On February 2, 2010, police had disclosed that there was a common behavioural pattern in all the murders, and that an expert found semen in the three 2009 victims which was from the same perpetrator.

The case recalls another similar murder spree in Belo Horizonte between 1999 and 2001, when twelve women were found raped and killed in Greater Belo Horizonte, called the UFMG Maniac or the Maniac da Pampulha, who was never apprehended.


Marcos Antunes Trigueiro was born in Brasília de Minas, Minas Gerais, but spent a part of his life in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, but always returned to Minas Gerais. Trigueiro has been married at least twice and is the father of five children.[citation needed]


See also


«Latrocínio em Contagem pode aumentar ficha criminal de Marcos Antunes Trigueiro». 1 de março de 2010. Consultado em 2 de março de 2010.

Parreiras, Mateus (2 de fevereiro de 2010). «Polícia já tem pistas sobre o maníaco sexual que ataca mulheres na Grande BH». Consultado em 2 de março de 2010. Cópia arquivada em 5 de fevereiro de 2010.

«Contribuição União Brasileira de Mulheres - UBM/MG» (PDF). Comissão Parlamentar Mista de Inquérito para Investigar Situações de Violência Contra a Mulher no Brasil. 26 de abril de 2012. Consultado em 20 de maio de 2013.